Serve! works with youth ages 13-24 in inner-city communities in experiential education that connects youth and the community – and positively impacts both. Youth who come to Serve! often face obstacles – personal, economic, and social – that have made it difficult to achieve success. The programs at Serve are designed to help them overcome/work through these obstacles and achieve success.
Serve! Approached Outreach in 2009 to develop a content and design for its newsletter.
“As a small non-profit with limited human resources I was pleased to find an exceptional, attentive, and incredibly accommodating editor/copywriter in Alex Kollo of Outreach Communications. Alex made the back-and-forth process of fine-tuning our newsletter truly effortless – which was especially appreciated given the hectic pace of our current environment. Alex’s attention to detail, her quick turn-around time, and her ardent desire to meet our needs was truly unsurpassable. I highly recommend Alex.”
-Alison Caird, Executive Director, Serve! Canada
- Project Planning TemplateProject Planning Template – This is great for planning communications for projects – and for issues management.
- Communications Planning TemplateCommunications Planning Template – We like this template put together by SPIN media.
- The communications planning processThe communications planning process – We put this together to help bring clarity to what communications planning is – and walk you through the steps of how you can develop an effective strategy for your organization or project.